
Estimated reading time: 11 minute(s)

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Are you a Social Media Influencer? Well, hopefully by now you already know a little bit about Nature’s Uprise and what we represent. We create sustainable staples that fit into any wardrobe. Our brand produces clothing using recycled materials focused on the fair trade model. We want to fill your closet with pieces that are comfortable, chic, and also make a positive impact on our environment. Become a Brand Ambassador! You get to try free products, receive discounts, earn some money, build working relationships, and produce creative content for your social media profiles. Have your social media/website promoted! Get featured on our website, blog, podcast, videos, advertisements, Instagram, and more! Become the face of our brand and welcome others to our products!

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Professional Blogging Platform

Are you a good writer? Would you like for your content to be featured on our blog? Would you like to earn some extra money? Are you interested in blogging with a team of writers?

Join the Designer Team

Help us design and create merchandise for our online stores. You will be compensated for the sale that your product generates. Visit our merchandise shop to see our current listings. You can also receive request for digital art or marketing content for visuals for our blog or social media post. Contribute to your digital portfolio and receive leads for additional compensation.

E-Learning Course Membership

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Tutoring Referral Program

Having trouble finding students? Don’t you wish someone could just send the students right to you? Well we can help you with that. You will also need to join our Patreon for access to the leads and our software. You can also become a member of our E-Learning Courses for additional resources, training materials and support for your tutoring journey. Develop tutoring courses for availability offline. Get paid for educational materials and e-books. Utilize our platform to expand your coaching services. Develop E-Courses to be available in our school.

Tutoring Student and Services Leads
Access to Network of Creators
Promoted Content
Customer Service
Additional Income

Other Programs Coming Soon!

In the meantime check out our services on our booking site.

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— Jane Doe